Monika Strus-Wołos, J.Dr.
Graduate of the Faculty of Law and Public Administration of the Warsaw University (1991). Advocate’s trainee of the Radom Bar Chamber in years 1992-1996. After passing a final exam and entering the list of attorneys-at-law, she became a partner of Strus-Wołos and Wołos law firm. She collaborated on privatizations of the largest Polish companies. Participant in many international trainings of both educational programs in the European law and the protection of Human Rights. Member of District Bar Council in Radom in years 2004-2007 and delegate of the Radom Bar Council to the National Bar Assemble in years 2004, 2007, 2010 and 2013. For many years member of a Committee of Human Rights at the Polish Bar Council. In years of 2004-2013 chairman of the Committee of the PR and Pro Bono Activity of the Polish Bar Council. Member of the Polish Bar Council in 2007-2010, and in 2010-2013 member of the Presidium of Polish Bar Council. She chaired the Program Committee of the Extraordinary National Bar Assemble in March 2010 and prepared materials for this Assemble. In 2008 she received the badge “the Polish Bar for the meritorious”.
She lead trainings for apprentice advocates (the EU law, human rights and the civil law) and for attorneys-at-law (commercial law). Academic teacher on scientific conferences.
In 2012 chef of the Polish Bar Council observer mission during the parliamentary election in Georgia. In 2013 chef of the observer mission of observing human rights in Kazakhstan.
For social activity and legislative help for the hospice movement she received a prestigious award of the Gazeta Prawna “Golden paragraph 2008” at the category “The Best Lawyer”. In 2009 distinguished in the competition “Lawyer Pro Bono” of daily newspaper Rzeczpospolita, and in 2012 winner of the competition “Professionals of Forbes”.
In May 2010 she obtained the title of the Doctor of jurisprudence conferred by Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw for the dissertation from the field of the civil procedure and the bankruptcy law. Author of many publications in civil law, the civil procedure and functioning of the Bar. Co-author of commentaries on the Registered Pledge Act and the Code of Civil Procedure.